By becoming a member of the RFID Professional Institute, your organization can help to promote professionalism in the RFID industry and accelerate the adoption of all types of RFID technologies, by helping us to create vendor- and technology-neutral, independent, standardized certification exams. The following organizational membership options are available. View an overview of all membership options at our Membership Overview page, visit our Individual Membership page, or learn more about Membership Benefits.
We offer the following types of membership to companies, government agencies, academic institutions, nonprofits and other organizations:
Council Member
Dues: $10,000 first year, $5,000 each following year
An Advisory Council membership is the RFID Professional Institute’s highest level of membership, reserved for those organizations that want to help shape the Institute’s certification programs. Any for-profit or not-for-profit organization may become an Advisory Council member. Each member organization may appoint one individual to sit on the Advisory Council, which will provide input and guidance as the Institute develops and expands its programs. Advisory Council members are showcased in Institute activities to promote their companies’ industry leadership and have priority for participation in and direction of Institute committees.
Includes Corporate Member benefits (described below), plus the following:
Eligible to provide guidance on the development of the Institute’s certification programs
Entitled to appoint an eligible member as a co-chair of designated special committees
Up to five (5) additional Individual Professional memberships, with RFID Professional Institute Certification exam vouchers (a total of eight)
The Advisory Council as a whole can nominate one candidate to fill up to one (1) board seat
Up to five (5) additional exam vouchers for employees to obtain certification, for a total of eight (8)
A 25 percent discount on additional RFID Professional Institute Certification exam vouchers
Corporate Member
Dues: $5,000 first year, $3,000 each following year
A Corporate membership is open to any legally registered for-profit organization (including end-user, solution provider or training organizations) that desires to further the development of RFID education, scientific research, and certification. Corporate members in good standing may nominate up to three (3) individual members to vote on Institute matters at regular Institute meetings or committee meetings (e.g. those directly related to the academic content of the curricula against which certification is made). (Fees: $5,000 first year, $3,000 each following year)
Up to three (3) Individual Professional memberships, each with a RFID Professional Institute Certification exam voucher
Eligible to appoint one (1) of the individual members to join open committees
Entitled to appoint up to three (3) of the individual members to vote at the annual, general and special meetings of the Institute
Entitled to appoint up to three (3) of the individuals members to join the Institute as subject-matter experts (subject to approval of appointment by the Board)
Entitled to up to three (3) additional RFID Professional Institute Certification exam vouchers
A 15 percent discount on all additional RFID Professional Institute Certification testing vouchers beyond the six (6) allotted
Free access to the members-only section of the Institute’s website with copies of all member-restricted documents, studies, meeting minutes, conference proceedings, Institute reports, newsletters and other general membership publications
Entitled to have company listing with logo and link on the Institute's website
Entitled to post company press releases on the Institute's Industry News webpage (subject to policy guidelines of the Board of Directors)
Nonprofit Member
Dues: $3,000 first year, $1,000 each following year
Government/Nonprofit membership is open to any federal, state or local government agency or government-run public authority (e.g. public transit agency) or nonprofit organization that desires to further the development of RFID education, scientific research or certification. Government/Nonprofit members in good standing may nominate up to three (3) individuals to vote on Institute matters at regular Institute meetings or committee meetings (e.g. those directly related to the academic content of the curricula against which certification is made).
Same as for Corporate member benefits above
Academic Member
Dues: $3,000 first year, $1,000 each following year
An Academic membership is open to any academic organization or research institute that desires to further the development of RFID education, scientific research or certification. Academic members in good standing may nominate up to three (3) individual members to vote only on Institute matters at regular Institute meetings or committee meetings (e.g. those directly related to the academic content of the curricula against which certification is made).
Same as for Corporate member benefits above
Membership Term
Memberships in the RFID Institute are for a period of one year and start on the first day after the completed membership agreement is received. Renewal notices will be sent approximately 45 days before the membership term ends. Members may upgrade to a higher membership level at any time during the membership year for a prorated fee.
Membership Application
Please go to our Membership Application page to apply for membership - thank you. See our plans and pricing.