Now anyone anywhere in the world can study for the RFID Associate Certification exam and take the test online.

May 23, 2024—The RFID Professional Institute announced today that it has published a new Associate Certificate Exam Study Guide. The 80-page electronic document covers all of the topics on the RFID Associate Certificate Exam.
“Now, anyone anywhere in the world can download the study guide, read it and take the Associate Certificate exam,” said RFID Professional Institute president Mark Roberti. Previously, only those who attended face-to-face training, or were already very knowledgable about all types of RFID could take and pass the exam.”
The RFID Associate Certificate was introduced in 2014 and updated in 2018 and most recently in 2024. The exam and study guide are broken into 14 areas of domain knowledge and cover the fundamentals of RFID. The 14 sections are:
Core Terminology
The Different Types of RFID
Radio Waves and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Communication Methods and Performance Characteristics
Standards and Regulations
Passive LF and HF System Components
Passive UHF System Components
Active RFID System Components
RFID Peripherals and Other Equipment
RFID Software
The Different Types of RFID Product and Service Providers
Privacy, Security and Safety
Common Use Cases for Each Type of RFID
The guide and exam are aimed at those wanting to work for RFID solution providers or systems integrators, as well as for end users of RFID technologies. “Those interested in deploying RFID within their company can read the guide and learn enough to know what questions to ask solution providers and technology implementers,” said Roberti.
The study guide is available for $349. Those that bundle the guide with a $150 exam voucher will get $100 off ($399 for the guide and voucher). The voucher is good for a year and includes one free retest for those who fail the exam.
“I’m very pleased that after a decade, the Institute can now offer exams and the means to study for them to people around the world,” Roberti said. “Our goal is to increase professionalism in the RFID industry through certifications.”