The RFID Professional Institute is a global organization founded in 2012 by a group of independent RFID industry veterans to promote professionalism in the RFID industry through the develop- ment of standardized, vendor-neutral certification exams covering all types of radio frequency identification systems.
The Institute has developed the RFID Professional Institute Associate Certificate and the RFID Professional Institute Professional Certificate. The Associate Certificate exam covers the fundamentals of the different types of RFID systems, their components and standards and much more. View the curriculum for this exam.
The Professional Certificate exam is intended for those who have several years’ experience in RFID. It covers implementation issues, business case development, trouble-shooting and more. View the curriculum for the Professional Exam.

Certification exams are given online. Anyone can purchase a voucher and take the exam. If you have years of experience in the RFID industry, know about active, passive and battery-assisted passive systems, you are ready to take the exam.
If you are relatively new to RFID, we recommend that you take a training course designed to educate you on the topics to be covered in the exam or purchase our Associate Certificate Study Guide. We're working on a guide for the professional exam.
The Professional Certificate exam is designed for those who have passed the Associate-level exam and are prepared for the more advanced test focused on determining if the candidate understands how choose the right type of RFID for an application, can develop the business case and understands the steps needed to deploy a successful RFID solution.

Why is certification needed? First, few (if any) universities and technical colleges offer a degree in radio frequency identification, so there is no means for an employer to know if a candidate possesses the basic knowledge of RFID required for an entry-level position. Without a certification exam, there is no means by which a job candidate can demonstrate knowledge of RFID terms, concepts, systems and applications.
Both companies employing RFID technologies and solution providers value professionals who proactively develop their skills and expertise. One of the best ways for individuals to demonstrate their commitment to skills enhancement is to pursue industry-recognized certifications.
The RFID Professional Institute's certificates are hosted by VerifyEd.io and authenticated through blockchain.
NEW in 2024!
A comprehensive study guide that you can download and use to pass the Institute's prestigious Associate Certificate exam. ​
If you are an experienced RFID professional who would like to contribute your expertise to the development of the Institute's educational and examination materials, click here to learn more about the role of SMEs.