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The RFID Professional Institute is an autonomous, non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable, scientific and educational organisation, in compliance with U.S. Code section 501(c)(3), dedicated to advancing the state-of-the-art in effective and appropriate application of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in industry, government and non-commercial organisations through technology-neutral, vendor-neutral, independent and standardized RFID certification exams. Membership is open to all individuals, companies, government agencies and academic institutions around the world.


We offer both individual and organisational membership packages, which are outlined on our Membership Overview page and described in more detail on the Individuals Memberships and Organisations Membershippages.


There are significant benefits to each type of membership, but the most important reason to join is that you will be helping to support our goal of promoting professionalism in the RFID industry through standardized certification exams. A healthy, vibrant and professional RFID industry is one in which every individual and organisation can prosper.


A full explanation of the benefits of membership can be found on our Membership Benefits page.

An introduction to the Institute

An Introduction to the RFID Professional Institute


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If you are an experienced RFID professional who would like to contribute your expertise to the Institute's examination materials then click here to find out more

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About the Institute

The RFID Professional Institute is a global organization founded in 2012 by a group of independent RFID industry veterans to promote professionalism in the RFID industry through the development of standardized certification programs. These exams cover all types of radio frequency identification systems and are vendor-neutral. For more information, please send email to or click on the Contact Us icon to the right.

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