The changes reflect recent developments in the RFID industry and better delineates what's covered on the Associate Certicate Exam and the Professional Certificate Exam.
May 10, 2024—The RFID Professional Institute announced today that it has updated its Associate Certificate Exam. The exam was introduced in 2014 and updated in 2018.
“A lot has changed in the RFID industry since 2018,” said Institute co-founder and president Mark Roberti. “Standards have changed, new applications have been introduced, robots are now being used to capture data automatically. The new exam reflects these changes.”
The update also is designed to differentiate more clearly what’s covered on the Associate Certificate exam and the Professional Certificate exam. “Previously there were questions about implementing RFID solutions on both exams,” said Roberti. “We have moved all questions about implementation to the Professional exam, which is also in the process of being updated.”
The Associate Certificate exam now goes into greater depth about the fundamentals of RFID. It covers:
Core Terminology
The Different Types of RFID
Radio Waves and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Communication Methods and Performance Characteristics
Standards and Regulations
Passive LF and HF System Components
Passive UHF System Components
Active RFID System Components
RFID Peripherals and Other Equipment
RFID Software
The Different Types of RFID Product and Service Providers
Privacy, Security and Safety
Common Use Cases for Each Type of RFID
“Companies hiring people with an RFID Professional Institute Associate Certificate can be assured that those new hires have a good understand of the different types of RFID technology, the standards that govern each system, their components and peripherals, how each performs and why one is better than another for certain applications.”
For more information or to download the curriculum, visit the Associate Certificate page of this site.